الأربعاء، 15 أغسطس 2012

Cristiano Ronaldo News & Pictures With New Girlfriend – Irina Shayk

بتاريخ:  5:24 ص  |  breaking News الكاتب: Unknown

Tags: Amp, Beauty Pageant, Carreer, Corsica, Cristiano Ronaldo, Gossip, Irina Shayk, Kim Kardashian, New Girlfriend, Old News, Paris Hilton, Real Madrid, Romantic Vacation, Ronaldo, Ronaldo News, Ronaldo Pictures, Russia, Striker, Swimsuit Model, Talent Scout, Underwear Ads

Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton are old news. Now it’s Irina Shayk, the swimsuit model from Sports Illustrated. The news about Cristiano boating on Corsica Island on his last holiday before flew back to Portugal for WC preparation turns out to be true. As we could see the pictures of the two love-bird splashing around near the boat.

Irina Shayk is a model from Russia, who won a local beauty pageant called “Miss Chelyabinsko”. A talent scout then recommended her to pursue a carreer as a model – till now. There is no news on how the two could met. But since they both posing for Armani underwear ads for 2010 season, there’s a slight chance of them to meet during the promotion or campaign. Who knows ?

The handsome Real Madrid striker reportedly has been seeing Irina for quite sometimes now. Is this mean she’s Cristiano Ronaldo girlfriend now ? Too soon to tell, meanwhile, enjoy viewing the pictures of them in a romantic vacation.

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يتم هنا كتابة نبذه مختصره عن كاتب الموضوع. تحتاج أشجار النيم الهندي إلى القليل من الماء وهي تنمو بسرعة وتضرب بجذورها عميقا في التربة. ألماني يزرع هذه الأشجار في الأراضي الجافة في شمال بيرو. شاهد جميع موضوعاتي: نويد اقبال

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