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    الهلالاب يرفضون طيران المريخ

  • الثلاثاء، 3 مارس 2015

    بيونغيانغ تحذر أميركا من ضربة وقائية

    قال وزير خارجية كوريا الشمالية ري سو يونغ، الثلاثاء، إن بلاده تملك القدرة على ردع "التهديد النووي المتزايد" من جانب الولايات المتحدة، من خلال "توجيه ضربة وقائية" إذا لزم الأمر.

    وأدت كلمة ري النادرة أمام مؤتمر لنزع السلاح تدعمه الأمم المتحدة، إلى رد فعل ساخط من جانب السفير الأميركي روبرت وود، الذي دعا بيونغيانغ إلى الكف عن إطلاق التهديدات والتخلص من الأسلحة النووية.

    وقال ري إن المناورات العسكرية المشتركة التي تجريها كوريا الجنوبية والولايات المتحدة "مستفزة على نحو غير مسبوق في طبيعتها، وتنطوي على إمكانية عالية بوجه خاص لإشعال حرب".

    وقال ري في منتدى جنيف: "كوريا الجنوبية لا يسعها سوى أن تعزز قدرات الردع النووي لديها لمواجهة الخطر النووي المتزايد باستمرار من جانب الولايات المتحدة. والآن لدى كوريا الشمالية القوة لردع الولايات المتحدة وتوجيه ضربة وقائية أيضا إذا لزم الأمر".

    وتتناغم تصريحات ري مع أوامر أطلقها زعيم كوريا الشمالية كيم يونغ أون قبل أيام، لجيش بلاده بـ"الاستعداد للحرب".

    بيونغيانغ تحذر أميركا من ضربة وقائية

    بتاريخ:  2:13 م  |  اخبار غريبة  |  واصل القراءة »

    بيونغيانغ تحذر أميركا من ضربة وقائية

    قال وزير خارجية كوريا الشمالية ري سو يونغ، الثلاثاء، إن بلاده تملك القدرة على ردع "التهديد النووي المتزايد" من جانب الولايات المتحدة، من خلال "توجيه ضربة وقائية" إذا لزم الأمر.

    وأدت كلمة ري النادرة أمام مؤتمر لنزع السلاح تدعمه الأمم المتحدة، إلى رد فعل ساخط من جانب السفير الأميركي روبرت وود، الذي دعا بيونغيانغ إلى الكف عن إطلاق التهديدات والتخلص من الأسلحة النووية.

    وقال ري إن المناورات العسكرية المشتركة التي تجريها كوريا الجنوبية والولايات المتحدة "مستفزة على نحو غير مسبوق في طبيعتها، وتنطوي على إمكانية عالية بوجه خاص لإشعال حرب".

    وقال ري في منتدى جنيف: "كوريا الجنوبية لا يسعها سوى أن تعزز قدرات الردع النووي لديها لمواجهة الخطر النووي المتزايد باستمرار من جانب الولايات المتحدة. والآن لدى كوريا الشمالية القوة لردع الولايات المتحدة وتوجيه ضربة وقائية أيضا إذا لزم الأمر".

    وتتناغم تصريحات ري مع أوامر أطلقها زعيم كوريا الشمالية كيم يونغ أون قبل أيام، لجيش بلاده بـ"الاستعداد للحرب".

    مقتل 11 مسلحا واعتقال 8 في سيناء

    أفاد مصدر عسكري مصري أن قوات الجيش قتلت 11 مسلحا واعتقلت 8 آخرين، في حملة على عدة قرى في شمال سيناء، الثلاثاء.

     إن الحملة العسكرية للجيش شملت قرى كرم القواديس، التي قتل فيها عشرات الجنود في هجوم قبل عدة أشهر، علاوة على التومة، جنوبي مدينة الشيخ زويد.

    ومن جهة أخرى، أعلنت وزارة الداخلية المصرية ضبط 313 خلية تابعة لجماعة الإخوان متهمة بارتكاب أعمال عنف، خلال الأشهر الـ 8 الأخيرة.

    واستعرض مؤتمر صحفي للمتحدث باسم الوزارة أنه "منذ 30 يونيو الماضي تم ضبط 131 خلية تضم 1635 متهما في 541 قضية، وبحوزتهم 323 عبوة ناسفة و156 سلاحا ناريا، إضافة إلى 28 ورشة لتصنيع العبوات الناسفة".

    وتشن الحكومة المصرية حملة ضد أنصار جماعة الإخوان، منذ إسقاط الرئيس الأسبق المنتمي للجماعة محمد مرسي في 3 يوليو من عام 2013، كما يقود الجيش عملية عسكرية واسعة ضد الجماعات المسلحة في شمال سيناء.

    مقتل 11 مسلحا واعتقال 8 في سيناء

    بتاريخ:  2:11 م  |  الاخبار  |  واصل القراءة »

    مقتل 11 مسلحا واعتقال 8 في سيناء

    أفاد مصدر عسكري مصري أن قوات الجيش قتلت 11 مسلحا واعتقلت 8 آخرين، في حملة على عدة قرى في شمال سيناء، الثلاثاء.

     إن الحملة العسكرية للجيش شملت قرى كرم القواديس، التي قتل فيها عشرات الجنود في هجوم قبل عدة أشهر، علاوة على التومة، جنوبي مدينة الشيخ زويد.

    ومن جهة أخرى، أعلنت وزارة الداخلية المصرية ضبط 313 خلية تابعة لجماعة الإخوان متهمة بارتكاب أعمال عنف، خلال الأشهر الـ 8 الأخيرة.

    واستعرض مؤتمر صحفي للمتحدث باسم الوزارة أنه "منذ 30 يونيو الماضي تم ضبط 131 خلية تضم 1635 متهما في 541 قضية، وبحوزتهم 323 عبوة ناسفة و156 سلاحا ناريا، إضافة إلى 28 ورشة لتصنيع العبوات الناسفة".

    وتشن الحكومة المصرية حملة ضد أنصار جماعة الإخوان، منذ إسقاط الرئيس الأسبق المنتمي للجماعة محمد مرسي في 3 يوليو من عام 2013، كما يقود الجيش عملية عسكرية واسعة ضد الجماعات المسلحة في شمال سيناء.

    الجمعة، 5 ديسمبر 2014

    أجرى الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي أول مداخلة تليفونية مع برنامج مصر على الهواء. وقام السيسي بمداخلة تليفونية مع برنامج القاهرة 360 على قناة القاهرة والناس ليعلن تلبية دعوة وجهت له على الهواء من اللاعب منعم سعد الدين، لاعب منتخب مصر لكرة السلة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة الحضور افتتاح دورة الألعاب الرياضية للمعاقين. ووعد الرئيس المصري اللاعب بالحضور، وامتدت مداخلته التليفونية لنحو 15 دقيقة أبدى السيسي خلالها دعمه لذوي القدرات الخاصة، على حد وصفه.

    السيسي يجري مداخلة تليفونية مع برنامج مصري على الهواء

    بتاريخ:  4:11 ص  |  الاخبار  |  واصل القراءة »

    أجرى الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي أول مداخلة تليفونية مع برنامج مصر على الهواء. وقام السيسي بمداخلة تليفونية مع برنامج القاهرة 360 على قناة القاهرة والناس ليعلن تلبية دعوة وجهت له على الهواء من اللاعب منعم سعد الدين، لاعب منتخب مصر لكرة السلة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة الحضور افتتاح دورة الألعاب الرياضية للمعاقين. ووعد الرئيس المصري اللاعب بالحضور، وامتدت مداخلته التليفونية لنحو 15 دقيقة أبدى السيسي خلالها دعمه لذوي القدرات الخاصة، على حد وصفه.

    NASA's deep space capsule poised for second launch bid

    Cape Canaveral (AFP) - NASA counted down Friday to its second try at test-launching the deep space Orion capsule on its first journey into orbit, after wind gusts and rocket problems delayed Thursday's attempt.
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    The unmanned four-hour flight aims to test crucial systems like the heat shield and parachute splashdown on a spacecraft that could one day transport humans to an asteroid, the Moon or Mars.

    The window for liftoff aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida opens at 7:05 am (1205 GMT) and lasts for two hours, 39 minutes.

    Early Friday, clouds and rain lingered over the area but conditions could clear up by launch time, according to weather officer Kathy Winters.

    "Current weather conditions at Cape Canaveral are observed red because of cumulus clouds and precipitation over the launch site," said the update on NASA's Orion blog at 4:49 am (0949 GMT).

    "The good news is that both of those violations are expected to clear in about an hour."
    View gallery
    Photographers set up before a scheduled attempt at launching the United Launch Alliance Delta IV roc …

    The launch is the first in more than 40 years of a US spacecraft intended to carry humans beyond the Moon. It has reinvigorated a US human exploration program that has been stagnant for more than three years since the last American space shuttle carried a crew of astronauts to the International Space Station.

    The 30-year shuttle program ended in 2011, leaving the United States no other option but to pay Russia to carry astronauts on its Soyuz capsules to the orbiting research lab at a cost of $71 million per seat.

    - Two loops -

    Friday's launch attempt will propel the Orion capsule into two loops around the Earth.

    The first orbit is to be about as high as the International Space Station, which circles at an altitude of about 270 miles (430 kilometers), but the second would soar 15 times higher, to an apogee of 3,600 miles above the Earth.

    Then, the spacecraft is supposed to plunge into the waters off San Diego, California to be retrieved by the US Navy.

    An analysis of sophisticated sensors on the capsule should let NASA know if the temperature inside remained survivable for a potential crew, even as the spacecraft itself heated to 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,200 Celsius) during its re-entry to Earth's atmosphere at a velocity of 20,000 miles per hour.

    Potential future missions for Orion, which can fit four people at a time, include a trip to lasso an asteroid and a journey to Mars by the 2030s.

    NASA has already spent $9.1 billion on Orion and the powerful rocket meant to propel it with crew on board, the Space Launch System (SLS).

    Another unmanned test flight is slated for 2018. The first Orion test flight with people on board is scheduled for 2021, when total costs are projected to reach $19-22 billion.

    United Launch Alliance chief operating officer Dan Collins said he was confident that the sluggish fuel valves that delayed Thursday's launch attempt could be resolved in time for Friday morning's bid.

    "We're going to make sure we have a happy rocket, and we're going to send Orion off on a successful mission," Collins told reporters.

    About $370 million dollars in equipment is at stake in Friday's launch.

    NASA's deep space capsule poised for second launch bid

    بتاريخ:  4:05 ص  |  الاخبار  |  واصل القراءة »

    NASA's deep space capsule poised for second launch bid

    Cape Canaveral (AFP) - NASA counted down Friday to its second try at test-launching the deep space Orion capsule on its first journey into orbit, after wind gusts and rocket problems delayed Thursday's attempt.
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        TSX nears seven-week high as miners, TransCanada advance Reuters
        Rocket woes delay deep space Orion launch until Friday AFP
        NASA scrubs Orion launch; will try again Friday Associated Press
        Mexicano Delgado dice que cubano Toirac hizo boxeo correlón en JCC Notimex
        Carlos Villagrán acude a dar el último adiós a “Chespirito” Notimex

    The unmanned four-hour flight aims to test crucial systems like the heat shield and parachute splashdown on a spacecraft that could one day transport humans to an asteroid, the Moon or Mars.

    The window for liftoff aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida opens at 7:05 am (1205 GMT) and lasts for two hours, 39 minutes.

    Early Friday, clouds and rain lingered over the area but conditions could clear up by launch time, according to weather officer Kathy Winters.

    "Current weather conditions at Cape Canaveral are observed red because of cumulus clouds and precipitation over the launch site," said the update on NASA's Orion blog at 4:49 am (0949 GMT).

    "The good news is that both of those violations are expected to clear in about an hour."
    View gallery
    Photographers set up before a scheduled attempt at launching the United Launch Alliance Delta IV roc …

    The launch is the first in more than 40 years of a US spacecraft intended to carry humans beyond the Moon. It has reinvigorated a US human exploration program that has been stagnant for more than three years since the last American space shuttle carried a crew of astronauts to the International Space Station.

    The 30-year shuttle program ended in 2011, leaving the United States no other option but to pay Russia to carry astronauts on its Soyuz capsules to the orbiting research lab at a cost of $71 million per seat.

    - Two loops -

    Friday's launch attempt will propel the Orion capsule into two loops around the Earth.

    The first orbit is to be about as high as the International Space Station, which circles at an altitude of about 270 miles (430 kilometers), but the second would soar 15 times higher, to an apogee of 3,600 miles above the Earth.

    Then, the spacecraft is supposed to plunge into the waters off San Diego, California to be retrieved by the US Navy.

    An analysis of sophisticated sensors on the capsule should let NASA know if the temperature inside remained survivable for a potential crew, even as the spacecraft itself heated to 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,200 Celsius) during its re-entry to Earth's atmosphere at a velocity of 20,000 miles per hour.

    Potential future missions for Orion, which can fit four people at a time, include a trip to lasso an asteroid and a journey to Mars by the 2030s.

    NASA has already spent $9.1 billion on Orion and the powerful rocket meant to propel it with crew on board, the Space Launch System (SLS).

    Another unmanned test flight is slated for 2018. The first Orion test flight with people on board is scheduled for 2021, when total costs are projected to reach $19-22 billion.

    United Launch Alliance chief operating officer Dan Collins said he was confident that the sluggish fuel valves that delayed Thursday's launch attempt could be resolved in time for Friday morning's bid.

    "We're going to make sure we have a happy rocket, and we're going to send Orion off on a successful mission," Collins told reporters.

    About $370 million dollars in equipment is at stake in Friday's launch.

    Lady Gaga reveals rape as teenager

    New York (AFP) - Lady Gaga has revealed that she was raped as a teenager and said that it took her years of therapy to acknowledge and start to recover from the trauma.

    "I don't want to be defined by it," the pop star said. "I'll be damned if somebody is going to say that every creatively intelligent thing I ever did is all boiled down to one dickhead that did that to me."

    Lady Gaga, 28, said that the rape took place when she was 19 and that she has gone through years of therapy. She did not go into detail but said that the aggressor was 20 years older than her.

    "It happens every day. It's really scary and it's sad and it didn't affect me as much right after as it did about four or five years later," she told radio host Howard Stern.

    "I didn't tell anybody -- I didn't even tell myself for the longest time," she said. "Then I was like, you know what, all this drinking and all this nonsense, you have to go to the source, otherwise it won't go away."

    The singer, who later became known for her gaudy outfits and outspoken social commentary, said that she did not report the rape. She said she saw her aggressor once more when she ran into him at a store and that she became "paralyzed by fear."

    Lady Gaga revealed the rape as she discussed her song "Swine" from her 2013 album "Artpop." She performed the song at this year's South by Southwest festival, where she rode a mechanical bull in a suggestive fashion and had a collaborator vomit on her.

    "The song is about rape. This song is about demoralisation," Lady Gaga said in her radio interview Tuesday.

    "I want this chick to throw up on me in front of the world, so that I can tell them, you know what? You could never, ever degrade me as much as I could degrade myself and look how beautiful it is what I do."
    New York (AFP) - Lady Gaga has revealed that she was raped as a teenager and said that it took her years of therapy to acknowledge and start to recover from the trauma.

    "I don't want to be defined by it," the pop star said. "I'll be damned if somebody is going to say that every creatively intelligent thing I ever did is all boiled down to one dickhead that did that to me."

    Lady Gaga, 28, said that the rape took place when she was 19 and that she has gone through years of therapy. She did not go into detail but said that the aggressor was 20 years older than her.

    "It happens every day. It's really scary and it's sad and it didn't affect me as much right after as it did about four or five years later," she told radio host Howard Stern.

    "I didn't tell anybody -- I didn't even tell myself for the longest time," she said. "Then I was like, you know what, all this drinking and all this nonsense, you have to go to the source, otherwise it won't go away."

    The singer, who later became known for her gaudy outfits and outspoken social commentary, said that she did not report the rape. She said she saw her aggressor once more when she ran into him at a store and that she became "paralyzed by fear."

    Lady Gaga revealed the rape as she discussed her song "Swine" from her 2013 album "Artpop." She performed the song at this year's South by Southwest festival, where she rode a mechanical bull in a suggestive fashion and had a collaborator vomit on her.

    "The song is about rape. This song is about demoralisation," Lady Gaga said in her radio interview Tuesday.

    "I want this chick to throw up on me in front of the world, so that I can tell them, you know what? You could never, ever degrade me as much as I could degrade myself and look how beautiful it is what I do."

    Lady Gaga reveals rape as teenager

    بتاريخ:  4:03 ص  |  اخبار غربية  |  واصل القراءة »

    Lady Gaga reveals rape as teenager

    New York (AFP) - Lady Gaga has revealed that she was raped as a teenager and said that it took her years of therapy to acknowledge and start to recover from the trauma.

    "I don't want to be defined by it," the pop star said. "I'll be damned if somebody is going to say that every creatively intelligent thing I ever did is all boiled down to one dickhead that did that to me."

    Lady Gaga, 28, said that the rape took place when she was 19 and that she has gone through years of therapy. She did not go into detail but said that the aggressor was 20 years older than her.

    "It happens every day. It's really scary and it's sad and it didn't affect me as much right after as it did about four or five years later," she told radio host Howard Stern.

    "I didn't tell anybody -- I didn't even tell myself for the longest time," she said. "Then I was like, you know what, all this drinking and all this nonsense, you have to go to the source, otherwise it won't go away."

    The singer, who later became known for her gaudy outfits and outspoken social commentary, said that she did not report the rape. She said she saw her aggressor once more when she ran into him at a store and that she became "paralyzed by fear."

    Lady Gaga revealed the rape as she discussed her song "Swine" from her 2013 album "Artpop." She performed the song at this year's South by Southwest festival, where she rode a mechanical bull in a suggestive fashion and had a collaborator vomit on her.

    "The song is about rape. This song is about demoralisation," Lady Gaga said in her radio interview Tuesday.

    "I want this chick to throw up on me in front of the world, so that I can tell them, you know what? You could never, ever degrade me as much as I could degrade myself and look how beautiful it is what I do."
    New York (AFP) - Lady Gaga has revealed that she was raped as a teenager and said that it took her years of therapy to acknowledge and start to recover from the trauma.

    "I don't want to be defined by it," the pop star said. "I'll be damned if somebody is going to say that every creatively intelligent thing I ever did is all boiled down to one dickhead that did that to me."

    Lady Gaga, 28, said that the rape took place when she was 19 and that she has gone through years of therapy. She did not go into detail but said that the aggressor was 20 years older than her.

    "It happens every day. It's really scary and it's sad and it didn't affect me as much right after as it did about four or five years later," she told radio host Howard Stern.

    "I didn't tell anybody -- I didn't even tell myself for the longest time," she said. "Then I was like, you know what, all this drinking and all this nonsense, you have to go to the source, otherwise it won't go away."

    The singer, who later became known for her gaudy outfits and outspoken social commentary, said that she did not report the rape. She said she saw her aggressor once more when she ran into him at a store and that she became "paralyzed by fear."

    Lady Gaga revealed the rape as she discussed her song "Swine" from her 2013 album "Artpop." She performed the song at this year's South by Southwest festival, where she rode a mechanical bull in a suggestive fashion and had a collaborator vomit on her.

    "The song is about rape. This song is about demoralisation," Lady Gaga said in her radio interview Tuesday.

    "I want this chick to throw up on me in front of the world, so that I can tell them, you know what? You could never, ever degrade me as much as I could degrade myself and look how beautiful it is what I do."

    Barcelona lifted by Iniesta return before derby

    MADRID (Reuters) - Barcelona have been boosted by the successful return from injury of talismanic playmaker Andres Iniesta as they prepare to host city rivals Espanyol in La Liga on Sunday.

    Iniesta played for the first time since damaging a calf muscle at the end of October in Wednesday's 4-0 King's Cup last-32, first leg victory at third-tier Huesca.

    The Spain international, captaining the side in the absence of most of Barca's rested regulars, bossed the game and scored a splendid goal reminiscent of his dramatic effort at Chelsea in 2009 that sent Barca through to the Champions League final.

    The ball was played to him from the left across the top of the penalty area and his first-time shot arrowed into the top corner to make it 2-0 in the 16th minute.

    "When you try a shot from outside the area sometimes it goes in," the self-effacing Iniesta, a hero to Spain fans for his extra-time winner in the 2010 World Cup final, told reporters.

    "I managed a good strike, although for me the most important thing was the overall feeling which makes me positive," added the 30-year-old.

    Iniesta can provide extra creativity in attack for second-placed Barca as they seek to keep pace with leaders Real Madrid, who are two points clear at the top after 13 matches and host Celta Vigo on Saturday.

    A win for Carlo Ancelotti's men at the Bernabeu will extend their club-record winning streak to 18 matches.

    La Liga returns to action on Saturday less than a week after a Deportivo La Coruna supporter was killed in fighting between fan groups known as "ultras" near the stadium before the club's match at champions Atletico Madrid last weekend.

    Police will be on high alert for Atletico's match at Elche and Deportivo's game at home to Malaga on Saturday.

    The Spanish government, football authorities and clubs have vowed to banish "ultras" from stadiums and their surroundings and Atletico have cut ties with their main group, the "Frente Atletico".

    David Moyes, the new coach of Real Sociedad, will be looking to maintain the Basque club's improved form since he took over last month when they play at Villarreal on Sunday

    Barcelona lifted by Iniesta return before derby

    بتاريخ:  3:51 ص  |  اخبار غربية  |  واصل القراءة »

    Barcelona lifted by Iniesta return before derby

    MADRID (Reuters) - Barcelona have been boosted by the successful return from injury of talismanic playmaker Andres Iniesta as they prepare to host city rivals Espanyol in La Liga on Sunday.

    Iniesta played for the first time since damaging a calf muscle at the end of October in Wednesday's 4-0 King's Cup last-32, first leg victory at third-tier Huesca.

    The Spain international, captaining the side in the absence of most of Barca's rested regulars, bossed the game and scored a splendid goal reminiscent of his dramatic effort at Chelsea in 2009 that sent Barca through to the Champions League final.

    The ball was played to him from the left across the top of the penalty area and his first-time shot arrowed into the top corner to make it 2-0 in the 16th minute.

    "When you try a shot from outside the area sometimes it goes in," the self-effacing Iniesta, a hero to Spain fans for his extra-time winner in the 2010 World Cup final, told reporters.

    "I managed a good strike, although for me the most important thing was the overall feeling which makes me positive," added the 30-year-old.

    Iniesta can provide extra creativity in attack for second-placed Barca as they seek to keep pace with leaders Real Madrid, who are two points clear at the top after 13 matches and host Celta Vigo on Saturday.

    A win for Carlo Ancelotti's men at the Bernabeu will extend their club-record winning streak to 18 matches.

    La Liga returns to action on Saturday less than a week after a Deportivo La Coruna supporter was killed in fighting between fan groups known as "ultras" near the stadium before the club's match at champions Atletico Madrid last weekend.

    Police will be on high alert for Atletico's match at Elche and Deportivo's game at home to Malaga on Saturday.

    The Spanish government, football authorities and clubs have vowed to banish "ultras" from stadiums and their surroundings and Atletico have cut ties with their main group, the "Frente Atletico".

    David Moyes, the new coach of Real Sociedad, will be looking to maintain the Basque club's improved form since he took over last month when they play at Villarreal on Sunday

    Ten Indian soldiers, police dead in attack on camp in Kashmir

     URI, India (Reuters) - Militants sneaked into an Indian military camp in Kashmir on Friday, killing 10 soldiers and police in their bunkers, the worst losses for security forces in more than a year in the Himalayan territory claimed by Pakistan.

    Several hours later, a gun battle broke out in Srinagar, the state capital where Prime Minister Narendra Modi is due next week on a campaign tour for a state election.

    A spate of attacks in recent weeks coinciding with elections to Jammu and Kashmir's state legislature is testing Modi's resolve to deal firmly with security threats while he focuses on reviving economic growth.

    It also adds to India's worst fears that Pakistan-based militants will turn their attention to Kashmir as most foreign forces complete a withdrawal from Afghanistan this month.

    The latest attack took place in Kashmir's Uri sector near the heavily militarized border with Pakistan just days before it holds the vote in the staggered elections.

    The militants cut through a wire fence around the small artillery camp and then fired rocket-propelled grenades at the security force men in their bunkers, an army officer said.

    He said six militants were killed in the gun battle that lasted several hours.

    The state's chief minister, Omar Abdullah, said the attack "once again shows the desperate levels militants will go to disrupt peace and normalcy".

    Tens of thousands of people, weary of decades of strife and lack of development, have voted in the state election that ends this month.

    Modi's Hindu nationalist party is making its most serious bid yet to win power in the state, banking on votes in the Hindu-majority Jammu region, and Buddhist Ladakh. It is also capitalizing on the rise of independents and splits elsewhere in Muslim-majority Kashmir.

    Security forces launched an operation to flush out militants from a part of Srinagar on Friday, police said, triggering a clash in which one militant was killed.

    Modi is expected to address a rally at a cricket stadium in Srinagar next week. A rare such appearance for a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the hotbed of a 25-year revolt against Indian rule.

    Separatists have called for an election boycott and urged the Indian government to hold talks with Pakistan to resolve the 67-year old dispute.

    Muslim Pakistan maintains that Kashmir should have been included in its territory when British-ruled India was partitioned into independent India and Pakistan in 1947. India rejects that.

    (Reporting by Fayaz Bukhari; Writing by Sanjeev Miglani; Editing by Robert Birsel)

    Ten Indian soldiers, police dead in attack on camp in Kashmir

    بتاريخ:  3:44 ص  |  اخبار غربية  |  واصل القراءة »

    Ten Indian soldiers, police dead in attack on camp in Kashmir

     URI, India (Reuters) - Militants sneaked into an Indian military camp in Kashmir on Friday, killing 10 soldiers and police in their bunkers, the worst losses for security forces in more than a year in the Himalayan territory claimed by Pakistan.

    Several hours later, a gun battle broke out in Srinagar, the state capital where Prime Minister Narendra Modi is due next week on a campaign tour for a state election.

    A spate of attacks in recent weeks coinciding with elections to Jammu and Kashmir's state legislature is testing Modi's resolve to deal firmly with security threats while he focuses on reviving economic growth.

    It also adds to India's worst fears that Pakistan-based militants will turn their attention to Kashmir as most foreign forces complete a withdrawal from Afghanistan this month.

    The latest attack took place in Kashmir's Uri sector near the heavily militarized border with Pakistan just days before it holds the vote in the staggered elections.

    The militants cut through a wire fence around the small artillery camp and then fired rocket-propelled grenades at the security force men in their bunkers, an army officer said.

    He said six militants were killed in the gun battle that lasted several hours.

    The state's chief minister, Omar Abdullah, said the attack "once again shows the desperate levels militants will go to disrupt peace and normalcy".

    Tens of thousands of people, weary of decades of strife and lack of development, have voted in the state election that ends this month.

    Modi's Hindu nationalist party is making its most serious bid yet to win power in the state, banking on votes in the Hindu-majority Jammu region, and Buddhist Ladakh. It is also capitalizing on the rise of independents and splits elsewhere in Muslim-majority Kashmir.

    Security forces launched an operation to flush out militants from a part of Srinagar on Friday, police said, triggering a clash in which one militant was killed.

    Modi is expected to address a rally at a cricket stadium in Srinagar next week. A rare such appearance for a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the hotbed of a 25-year revolt against Indian rule.

    Separatists have called for an election boycott and urged the Indian government to hold talks with Pakistan to resolve the 67-year old dispute.

    Muslim Pakistan maintains that Kashmir should have been included in its territory when British-ruled India was partitioned into independent India and Pakistan in 1947. India rejects that.

    (Reporting by Fayaz Bukhari; Writing by Sanjeev Miglani; Editing by Robert Birsel)

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